Theologian, advocate for all things green and notorious cyclist Dr John Thomson, our own Bishop of Selby, is leading hour-long webinar training sessions, open to all, once a month from October 2021 to June 2022, on the theme "On Your Bike: Reflections of a Pedal Pilgrim”.
The webinars begin on the 20th October with an explanatory session "In the Saddle: cycling and faith", though Bishop John stresses that there is no need to commit to all the sessions, and participants are welcome at any or all.
Each evening will push off at 7.30pm with twenty minutes' input and reflection from the pedalling prelate, break into small pelotons for twenty minutes' discussion of questions, and then come together for a final twenty minutes' freewheeling forum of ideas and conclusions before an 8.30pm dismount.
Titles include "In Suffering: cycling and facing tough times", "In the Spirit: cycling and spirituality" and "In the Rough: cycling and hard questions". The full programme is below.
"Fitness and exercise can give us a lens to think about our faith," comments Bishop John. "For me, cycling is spirituality in the material world; our journey with God in the bread and butter of everyday life."
He's keen to stress that no bikes will be ridden in the course of the sessions and non-cyclists are very welcome too.
You can book in with an email to Bishop John's Assistant, Linda Bunn, at
On Your Bike: Reflections of a Pedal Pilgrim All sessions 7.30pm - 8.30pm
In the Saddle: cycling and faith - 20th October 2021
In Formation: cycling and our formation as disciples - 17th November 2021
In Ministry: cycling and the practice of ministry - 15th December 2021
In Suffering: cycling and facing tough times - 19th January 2022
In Company: cycling and Church - 16th February 2022
In the Lead: cycling and leadership - 16th March 2022
In the Spirit: cycling and spirituality - 27th April 2022
In the Rough: cycling and hard questions - 18th May 2022
In Public: cycling and public witness - 22nd June 2022