Get Involved
Knowing God, Showing God and Sharing God.

Worshipping at St Michael's
Knowing God
Through Worship
Click the links below to download resources for worship at home or to join in on our scheduled worship streams
Live streaming service schedule:
(click here to open live streaming)
+ Morning Prayer Monday-Friday from 7.30am
+ Sunday Worship from 10am
If you missed the Live Stream catch up above on our video channel.
Supplementary prayer material
Through Small Groups and Bible Studies
St Michael's has lots of opportunities to meet with others to talk about and read the Bible and to pray together. Check out our 'What's On' page or contact Revd Richard via email to find out anything you are particularly interested in.

Volunteer Your Time
Showing God
We have lots of ways people volunteer through St. Michael's. Serving through the Open Door Community Cafe, helping make deliveries to the Food Bank, flower arranging, singing in our choir, playing your musical instrument, cleaning the toilets, cutting grass or caring for the housebound. These are all ways you can get involved today and Revd Richard is always keen to hear of new ways you might be able to help others with your time and talents.

A Local Church Following God's Mission
Sharing God
St Michael's has a vision for more than just our little worshipping community. We work with partners in God's mission both locally, regionally and internationally. We donate our time, money, energy and help raise awareness of these various charities:
Farming Community Network (FCN)

Make a Donation
We all need the resources to do what we need to do and to pay the bills and St Michael's is no different. There are no central funding or grants for Church of England churches and everything we do for the parish and beyond, including the care of our community building is funded and made possible by you. If you would like to make a one-off donation to St Michael's use the link above. If you want to give on a monthly basis please download the form by clicking here and returning it to